Tree Surveying Middle East

I survey trees to assess them for health and form, producing detailed tree surveys to British Standards BS 5837:2012 & reports listing actions & recommendations. This is a unique service and offers arboricultural assessment, not to be compared to a general survey by a non-specialist.
Providing a Root Protection Area (RPA) map is vital for the protection of trees during development. This area should be taken as a minimum and fenced off prior to commencement of works.

Staff Training

Training of local staff in correct pruning & care procedures using hand tools and chainsaw. Also equipment recommendations.
Risk Assessment

I examine trees to assess risk to public health in accordance with ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) risk assessments.

For large, dangerous or difficult trees that need expert care, we arrange for qualified and experienced arborists to carry out works. These usually have to be found outside the region as there are no local training facilities in the Middle East.
Tree Preparation and Transplanting

I specify and supervise the preparation, lifting, replanting & irrigation of mature trees. The local industry generally uses outdated methods to transplant trees, which are not always successful and can irreversibly change the tree physiology.
Tree Selection for Projects

Selecting poor nursery stock can limit the life and health of the trees on your project. I can source and select the best stock available, tree by tree. For mega projects, I have specified and supervised the setup of specialist facilities with a chosen nursery, to deliver plants to specification.

Tree planting design and alternative strategies

There are new approaches to creating treescapes in arid regions with minimal or no irrigation and using adaptive and native species suitable for coping with climate change. these could be harvested as coppice wood, chipped for ground covering mulch and for the production of biochar for soil amendment and water retention. Vast areas could be turned into positive carbon sinks by this process, regreening desert margins and brownfield sites with minimal (but correct) intervention.
Some of the commercial clients I have worked for in the Gulf region